At Three6 we love sharing our knowledge. Here are our latest blogs, infographics, ideas and thoughts.
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Too Hard Basket: How to Execute Your Strategy with a Customer Mindset
Have you heard the story of the janitor at NASA responding to President Kennedy? He said that his job was putting a man on the moon. That is exactly what we are after - a connection between everyone’s role and the organisational mission.
Empowering Our Services Part 4: Aligning Your Strategy
Strategy is an often-overused word. Everyone has a strategy. Everyone is building their strategy and having strategy days to bring together the team to work out what are the key priorities and how they are going to achieve them. But before we start planning, we need to ensure that our strategy is taking us in the right direction. Is it really helping us to achieve our vision, and build the customer experiences that we have designed and tested?
Transitioning from a product to service mindset
How many different products does your company offer to your customers? Probably more than 5? If you’re a financial institution or a government agency probably even more! And have you ever thought about the different experiences that your customers have when they access each of those products?