3 Ways To Impress Your Customers

Nina Muhleisen | 30 March 2017


You won’t finish a marathon if you’re not focused on the training required in the lead-up. This is the same with the delivery of transformation, focusing on the fundamentals of your process, means that when it comes to race day and execution of the new flashy toy (or app), you will be ready to run.

WOW your customers
Everyone is moving quickly to deliver an iconic customer experience. We want to WOW our customers but we won’t be able to do that if they need to wait until 2030 when our new app has been released – we need to be making a difference today.
At ANZ we are delivering The World-Class Delivery Model, and we are focused on ensuring if there is the best way to do something that we are doing it that way across the bank.
We have specialised resources that will support the business in designing and implementing standard behaviours and we train and coach the business to be able to become self-sufficient in embedding Operational Excellence.
We are implementing a standard approach to what we refer to as the 8 Core Practice areas. These are 8 areas of work that any well-managed business should be executing to such as; Customer and Quality, Business Performance and Operational risk to name a few. These Core Practice areas then break down into standard ways of working and therefore become the behaviours of our leaders. Through these behaviours, we will progress up a maturity curve to deliver a World-Class Organisation. Aligning these standards to our strategic road map we are able to deliver meaningful results today.
Over the next 6 months, we will focus on three Core Practice areas, these will deliver great customer experience in a 30, 60 or 90 day period allowing us to WOW our customers today.

What to focus on?

1. Process Technology: After reviewing our journeys, we need to map them back to a process classification framework. Highlighting the opportunities for consolidation, simplification and automation.

For example, if we have 18 different teams that open accounts. “Why 18?!” You exclaim, well because over time we have increased how complex we are, there are new products, new systems. By using standard language across our organisation we increase the visibility of what we are doing, are able to see where we are doing it and how and therefore determine where our biggest improvement opportunities are. This leads us to understand what capabilities are required across our teams, how do we get economies of scale and therefore greater service potential without making a detrimental impact on the end to end service.

This work can take time and can be difficult to implement. Start in your priority areas, map carefully and move your way through the business.

2. Embedding Continuous Improvement: We need to provide our team with the skills to highlight customer pain points and implement solutions themselves.
When you run any improvement workshop a list of items will come where people will say – why do we do that? These items should be a quick fix, managed and controlled by the business and implemented through Continuous Improvement channels. You need to empower your people to implement the small change so that you can focus on the bigger impact items.

At ANZ we support by delivering a standard approach to continuous improvement, coaching people and providing a standard portal for capturing and realising the benefits. Ensuring that once the buzz of the end to end reviews have left that continuous improvement still remains through an embedded culture.

3. Capacity Management: If we have redesigned our processes and embedded continuous improvement how many people do we need? We often underestimate the benefits to our customers on simply ensuring we have the right number of people to do the work, in the right locations with the right skills to deal with the variation of our customer requests.
Being able to effectively forecast and then monitor and control through appropriate cross-skilling, lending and borrowing resources between teams ensures we can meet the variation of demand of our customer requirements whilst keeping our costs at a minimum.

If you are able to do these things three things well, you can WOW your customers. Implementing meaningful customer outcomes today and not waiting for the big bang. So when that new app does arrive it already has the foundations for success.